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Create with Paper

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A Memorable Project for the Holidays

As I write this blog post, Bree is finishing up editing today’s video. So, keep an eye out for that sometime today!

In the meantime, I’d like to share an idea for a memorable project for the holiday season. It’s something we’re going to do for the first time this year, and it might be something that you would like to also give a try. So what is it? A book, of course!

Okay, here are the details:

This year we have a few engagements on the schedule for Christmas. We’ll be going to a get-together Christmas Eve, having brunch at our house Christmas Day, then visiting relatives later that evening. I’m sure you have your own plans as well. This year, we’ll be breaking out the ol’ polaroid camera—if you have one these, perfect. If not, and you would like one, you can find a relatively inexpensive polaroid at Best Buy, Amazon, and likely other retailers.

During our various get-togethers, we’ll be taking polaroids that we will then use to fill pages in our 2021 Holiday Book. We will also set up a “station” at our brunch where guests can decorate a page or two for the book. Once all the festivities are finished, we will take the decorated pages and polaroids to put together the finished book.

Once the book is complete, we will make copies to give out to friends and family next year (we think these will make for fun gifts in the next holiday season). If this goes well, we plan to make it a tradition—each year, a new book.

If you think this idea sounds like a fun thing to do, a good way to save memories and connect with friends and family, give it a try. See the steps broken down below.

1) Gather pictures during holiday parties.

2) Gather pages decorated by friends and family

3) Collect pictures and decorated pages into a book (make copies)

4) Gift copies of the book next holiday season

If you like this idea, and you try this project, feel free to post pics to the Facebook group!

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